This calendar is subject to change


8:30 AM - All Levels Obedience with Sarah

10 AM - Basic Obedience and CGC Testing with Sarah

11:30 AM - Puppy STAR and Beyond with Sarah

3:30 PM - Foundation for Agility with Beth

5:00 PM - Novice Competition Agility with Beth

6:15 PM - Novice Competition Agility with Beth

7:15 PM - Skills and Drills with Beth

8:30 PM - Skills and Drills with Beth


8:30 AM - Novice Agility with Gracie

9:00 AM - All Levels Obedience with Sarah

10:15 AM - All Levels Barn Hunt with Sarah

10:00 AM - Masters Handling with Gracie

11:15 AM - Novice/Open Agility with Gracie

12:30 PM - Flatwork Foundation for Agility with Gracie

1:45 PM - International Handling with Gracie

4:30 PM Novice/Open Agility with Audrey

5:00 PM - Intermediate/Advanced Dock Diving with Renee*

5:45 PM Masters Agility with Audrey and Tim

5 PM All Levels Barn Hunt with Karin

6:00 PM All Levels Barn Hunt with Karin

6:15 PM - Intermediate/Advanced Dock Diving with Renee*

7:15 PM - Masters Competition Agility with Peggy

7:15 PM - All Levels Barn Hunt with Karin

7:30 PM - Beginner Dock Diving with Renee*

8:30 PM - Young Dog Agility with Peggy


9:00 AM - Intermediate/Advanced Dock Diving with Audrey*

9:00 AM - Agility for Fun with Beth

10:15 AM - Agility for Fun with Beth

11:30 AM - Agility for Fun with Beth

1:30 PM - Agility Skills and Drills with Beth

3:15 PM - All Levels Barn Hunt with Cassie

4:45 PM - All Levels Barn Hunt with Cassie

4:45 PM - Beginner Obedience with Sarah

6:00 PM - Novice Competition Agility Class with Stacie

6:00 PM - All Levels Barn Hunt with Cassie

6:00 PM - Novice Competition Obedience with Sarah

7:00 PM - Beginner Dock Diving with Paul*

7:15 PM - Masters Competition Agility Class with Stacie

7:15 PM - All Levels Obedience with Sarah

7:15 PM - All Levels Barn Hunt with Cassie

8:30 PM - Senior UKI Agility with Stacie

8:30 PM - Beginner Obedience with Shelly


9:00 AM - All Levels Barn Hunt with Sarah

4:45 PM - All Levels Barn Hunt with Cassie

5:00 PM - Intermediate/Advanced Dock Diving with Renee*

5:00 PM - Agility for Fun with Lori

5:30 PM - Beginner Tracking with Len*

6:00 PM - All Levels Barn Hunt with Cassie

6:15 PM - Agility for Fun with Lori

6:15 PM - Intermediate/Advanced Dock Diving with Renee*

7:15 PM - All Levels Barn Hunt with Cassie

7:30 PM - Agility for Fun with Lori

7:30 PM - Beginner Dock Diving with Renee*


9:00 AM - All Levels Barn Hunt with Cassie

9:00 AM - Open Competition Agility with Audrey

9:00 AM - Novice Rally Obedience with Wendy

10:15 AM - Masters Competition Agility with Audrey

10:30 AM - All Levels Rally Obedience with Wendy

12:00 PM - Intermediate/Advanced Dock Diving with Melissa*

1:00 PM - Novice/Open Competition Agility with Audrey

1:30 PM - Excellent/Masters Rally Obedience with Sarah

1:30 PM - Beginner Dock Diving with Melissa*

3:00 PM - Beginner Dock Diving with Melissa*

6:00 PM - All Levels Barn Hunt with Paul

6:00 PM - Scent Work with Monique

6:00 PM - Masters Competition Agility with Audrey and Tim

7:15 PM - All Levels Barn Hunt with Paul

7:15 PM - Novice/Open Competition Agility Class with Lori

7:15 PM - Scent Work with Monique


9 AM - Introduction to Scent Work with Stephanie

10:15 AM - Intermediate/Advanced Scent Work with Stephanie

11:30 AM - Intermediate/Advanced Scent Work with Stephanie

12 PM - Foundation for Agility with Gracie

1:15 PM - Weave Pole Class with Gracie

2:30 PM - Foundation for Agility with Gracie

6:00 PM - Competition Agility with Stacie

6:00 PM - Advanced Scent Work with Jeanine

7:15 PM - Competition Agility with Stacie

7:15 PM - Introduction to Scent Work with Jeanine

8:30 PM - Competition Agility with Stacie


8 AM - Scent Work for Fun with Shelly

9:00 AM - Barn Hunt for Fun with Rick

9:00 AM - Scent Work for Fun with Shelly

10:15 AM - Barn Hunt for Fun with Rick

10:15 AM - Scent Work for Fun with Shelly

11:30 AM - Dabbling in Dog Sports with Rick and Shelly
